Cooperation CRV calculates and publishes breeding values of bulls. Breeding values of bulls have to meet a number of criteria, which can be found under the heading ‘Publication Criteria’. The breeding values are published in a number of press publications.
Criteria National Publication per breed group
The press publication shows the breeding values of the most interesting bulls. The bulls included in this press publication are a selection of all bulls which Cooperation CRV publishes. The limits applied for the press publications are stated below.
For every group below, the bulls with the highest score for NVI (overall index) are published:
- Black & White Holstein Top 200
- Red & White Holstein Top 200
- MRY Top 25
- Montbéliarde Top 25
- Brown Swiss Top 25
- Jersey Top 25
- Red Dairy Cattle Top 25
- Fleckvieh Top 25
- Groninger (Blaarkop) Black Top 25
- Groninger (Blaarkop) Red Top 25
- Dutch Friesian Black Top 25
- Dutch Friesian Red Top 25
These toplists are completed with new bulls with an official breeding value that where published last year and reach a minimum of:
- Black & White Holstein 50 NVI
- Red & White Holstein 0 NVI
- Montbéliarde 0 NVI
- Brown Swiss 0 NVI
- Jersey 0 NVI
- Red Dairy Cattle 0 NVI
- Fleckvieh 0 NVI
- Groninger (Blaarkop) Black 0 NVI
- Groninger (Blaarkop) Red 0 NVI
- Dutch Friesian Black 0 NVI
- Dutch Friesian Red 0 NVI
Furthermore, the toplists are completed with popular bulls. These are proven bulls of which the second-crop daughters have calved in the previous months. Or bulls with a high increase in new born calves. The requirements are that the bull has to be younger than 15 years and that the breeding values meet one of the following criteria:
- the number of daughters in the production proof has increased at least 5% with at least 50 daughters in the previous publication.
- the number of calves in the livability proof has increased at least 5% with at least 50 calves in the previous publication.
- the number of calves in the livability proof is at least 7 times higher than the number of daughters in the milk production proof with at least 50 daughters in the current livability proof.
Finally bulls that were popular in the past are also included in the toplists. For this purpose it is necessary that a sire has at least 1500 daughters in the production proof and at least 0 NVI.
Criteria Interbull Publication per breed group
For every group hereunder, the bulls with the highest score for the trait NVI are published:
- Black & White Holstein Top 200
- Red & White Holstein Top 100
- Montbéliarde Top 100
- Brown Swiss Top 100
- Jersey Top 100
- Red Dairy Cattle Top 100
- Fleckvieh Top 100
These toplists are completed with bulls that are younger than 15 year and have at least a NVI of 0.
Criteria press publication Black & White Holstein per country
In the press publication Black & White Holstein per country are bulls that belong to the top 150 for NVI. These toplists are completed with bulls that are younger than 15 year and have at least a NVI of 0.
Criteria press publication beef merit index
In the press publication the breeding values Calving Ease and Livability are also included, together with the beef merit index.
In the press publication are bulls that meet the following criteria:
- Beef breeds: The top 25 bulls, completed with the top of the bulls that had at least one calf slaughtered in the last year, with a maximum of 200 bulls.
- Dairy breeds: The top 200 bulls that had at least one calf slaughtered in the last 5 years.
Furthermore, the press publication of beef breeds is completed with bulls that don’t have a beef merit index yet, but do have a breeding value for Calving Ease.
Criteria press publication Urea
In the press publication Urea are all bulls that have a breeding value Urea and also appear in one of the national press publications.
Criteria combined press publication
In de combined press publication is the top 500 NVI. All Holstein bulls from the national and Interbull press publication have been combined to form this publication.
Criteria genomic press publication
In the genomic press publications is the top 200 NVI of all young Holstein bulls without daughter information but with genomic information. These young bulls should be at least 10 months of age.